Soothing Salve 60 ml
The perfect salve to sooth irritated skin. Works great as a nappy balm, for hemorrhoid relief and can be used on minor cuts, rashes and scrapes.
Ingredients - Calendula, witch hazel, plantain, comfrey, marshmallow root, and lavender infused coconut or olive oil, beeswax and shea butter
kawakawa Black salve 30ml
Helps relieve the symptoms and draw out toxins and impurities from stings and insect bites. A must have addition to any first aid kit!
Ingredients - Coconut oil, olive oil, kawakawa (a native New Zealand plant with amazing healing properties!), beeswax, shea butter, activated charcoal, bentonite clay
mama peri spray 100ml
A soothing combination of witch hazel, aloe vera, filtered water and essential oils of lavender, geranium, frankincense, helichrysm and clary sage. This has great soothing, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Keep in the fridge for an added cooling effect!
rose and vitamin e oil 10ml
Olive oil infused with rose buds, vitamin E oil and geranium essential oil. Can be gently rubbed on the belly prenatally as a daily practice to soothe the skin and connect with baby. Roll on lovingly after baby has come earth-side as a way to connect with and honor your body.
A soothing combination of herbs and sea salt that helps sooth and heal the mother postpartum. Is a loving way to breath, honor the new mother and welcome the transition.
Ingredients - Witch hazel, plantain, calendula, marshmallow root, yarrow, lavender and sea salt.